On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:59:57AM -0400, Richard Darst wrote:
> From my experience with DC10, at least two (or several) months was
> reasonable for most of the known expenses to clear.  It took a while
> to get invoices and pay them.  Of course, it depends on the logistics
> of each conference, some may be faster, some may be slower.
> For DC9, some sponsor payments came in ultra-late (January 2010), but
> we can't wait for that.
> Besides not forgetting, is there a reason you want money back right
> away?  Of course, you are always welcome to join the accounting/budget
> team.

Thanks for the offer, but I've already quite some headaches keeping an
eye on the overall Debian accounting/budget "team" :-P Seriously, if you
ask why I "want money back", it means that I've done a very lousy job
thus far in explaining my position wrt DebConf budget. Let me try again.

There is a displeasing sensation, from past heritage, at least in some
parts of the Debian community. According to that sensation, DebConf
organization is separate from Debian organization to some extent. My own
position is that that is not the case: DebConf exists because Debian
does, as we have discussed at the DebConf10 BoF. IMHO, the more we can
do to dispel the separation myth, the better. Accounting is just a very
important part of that. So, the shorter the time window in which we keep
separate budgets, the better.

Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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