On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> So, I think we should do this: ask ffis e.V. if they are willing to spawn a
> DebConfX account each year, then we give the DPL and the Debian auditor
> direct access to that ffis account too and then close this account at
> the "end of the DebConf year" (whenever that is)

When should this should be?

In the past we've not been good at closing down income and expenses --
with some late sponsor payments, and occasional expenses long after
DebConf (like the DC10 delivery-related charges).  It might be better
to set a deadline in advance, then deal with things after that date as
special cases, rather than wait for 100% of income and expenses to be
definitely already processed.

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