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On 01-03-2009 13:40, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Hello Michael and DebConf sponsorship team,
> Michael Schultheiss escreveu isso aí:
>> Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
>>> Do we have any updates regarding this? A lot of people is still
>>> in the "dark" without knowing when it will happen and/or how...
>>> :-(
>>> Other sponsored people from South America got the reimbursement?
>> I'll work with the DebConf sponsorship team to get the details I need to
>> do the remaining sponsorship payments in North and South America.  I
>> mistakingly thought that the only reimbursements being done through SPI
>> were for US reimbursements as that was the only information I received
>> at DebConf.
> Is there any news about the reimbursement?

AFAIK we are waiting Pablo's guidelines about the best way to
transfer money to ASL.org _and_ somebody from the Sponsorship
team to provide the list of names and amounts regarding Brazil.

We are almost six months trying to get this solved, I will try
to contact Pablo by phone to see how we can get everything
ready on Brazilian side to make things easier on the
International side. :-)

Kind regards,
- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
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