Steve McIntyre dijo [Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 11:45:22PM +0000]:
> >>> I'll work with the DebConf sponsorship team to get the details I need to
> >>> do the remaining sponsorship payments in North and South America.  I
> >>> mistakingly thought that the only reimbursements being done through SPI
> >>> were for US reimbursements as that was the only information I received
> >>> at DebConf.
> OK, no sign of any news at all. Who precisely is still waiting on
> money at this point? This is getting ridiculous!

I am. IIRC I was approved for sponsorship for Argentina. Now, if it is
good for anything - I am taking this as a good way for storing my
savings :) (and if I had got the money in time I would have lost the
~40% the peso has lost in the last half year, so it is a net gain to
me ;-) ), so if it is easier, I am willing to wait until DC9 to get
the money handed to me in person (instead of having a costly
international money transfer).


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