
Sorry about the delayed reply (actually I had on my mind I had replied,
but apparently it was a chat on irc with Terceiro...).

Our account manager was on vacation. I just called her and she will have
a summary of our account movements of 2008 along with the amount left
in it by Monday.



Em Ter, 20 Jan 2009, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:

| Hash: SHA1
| Do we have any updates regarding this? A lot of people is still
| in the "dark" without knowing when it will happen and/or how...
| :-(
| Other sponsored people from South America got the reimbursement?
| On 11-12-2008 19:06, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
| > On 11-12-2008 12:13, Margarita Manterola wrote:
| >> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Michael Schultheiss
| >> <schul...@debian.org> wrote:
| >>> Margarita Manterola wrote:
| >>>> Rather they were in the America lot, which should have been covered by
| >>>> SPI long ago.  Hasn't it been done?
| >>> The only people I'm aware of that were in the SPI lot were the 4 US
| >>> attendees being reimbursed.  If this is not the case, please e-mail me
| >>> at treasu...@spi-inc.org.
| >> So, this has obviously been a communication problem.  All the people
| >> from the Americas (as in the whole continent, not just the US) should
| >> have been paid with the money at SPI.
| > 
| >> Jörg, can you please send the names, amounts and account info to
| >> treasu...@spi-inc.org?
| > 
| >     Be aware that for Brazil it doesn't work quite like that. If
| > somebody got an international transfer in an individual account, they
| > will have to pay taxes (big painful taxes, in some cases close to 40%).
| > 
| >     At least, for Brazil, one of the best solutions would be to
| > check the amount that needs to be reimbursed, check the Brazilian pool
| > of Debian and DebConf money, if it is enough (and probably it is not)
| > than OK (but we will need to start thinking about get more money in
| > Brazilian pool for next years). If it is not enough, SPI could transfer
| > the money to ASL.org and then we took care of reimbursing people inside
| > Brazil. I can check the "pool" if you want. and of course, I can help
| > with the process and bureocracy.
| > 
| >     I'm not sure how much will be the taxes for the SPI->ASL.org
| > transfer, I know that we have other alternatives, specially if somebody
| > is coming to Brazil and could bring the money in cash (or traveler's
| > check) so we can exchange it here and make the deposit without any
| > taxes.
| > 
| >     I know that while Josh Berkus were SPI treasurer, he was
| > looking into alternatives to get money inside Brazil, because
| > PostgreSQL-BR is also using ASL.org to handle its assets. I'm cc:ing
| > Josh (he may help) and other relevant people to help in the Brazilian
| > case. We have something like PayPal here, but I'm unsure if it will
| > work for SPI.
| > 
| >     All in all, we should at least send an statement about the
| > actual status of what's going on with the reimbursement process for
| > the affected people.
| - --
| Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
| "Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
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