Le mardi 10 février 2009 à 21:39 +0100, Ana Guerrero a écrit :
> Looking at random 2 star hotel in Cáceres, single room with breakast for one
> week is 360.5 euros ( 7*(44.00+7.5)). Without breakfast: 308 euros.
> Of course, if we look at a 3-4 stars hotel, it will increase quite a bit.

I don't know what the hotels in Cáceres are like, but I think people who
(have their employer) pay a 'professional' rate to upgrade their
accommodation may expect more than a 2-star room.  It's been mentioned
already that another group of people want to pay the professional
registration fee but prefer stay with everyone else -- a separate 2-star
hotel obviously wouldn't please them either.

As, from what I understand, the accomodation situation will be more like
Edinburgh than like the hotel in Mar del Plata, it might be simpler to
separate out the professional registration fee from the accommodation
choices, and simply try to help people who pay the registration fee and
don't want sponsored accommodation to arrange a hotel for themselves.


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