On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 03:11:39PM +0100, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> > I think that nobody has yet decided if Prof. attendees will be hosted
> > in the same lodgings or not.  From my point of view, it would be
> > better if they were to be at a hotel, because: 1) otherwise we _might_
> > run out of space for sponsored people, 2) the quality that one expects
> > when paying for the room is not the same.
> I think this should be optional at the professional attendees decision. If 
> (s)he wants to stay with the crowd, great. If they prefer a hotel, great.

Agreed, people paying should be able to choose if they want to stay with the
crowd or in a hotel, but they will have to pay the same amount in both cases?

According to the prices Anto have said [1], lodging without food, not even
brekfast, in the student residence is 210 euros/week (30*7).

Looking at random 2 star hotel in Cáceres, single room with breakast for one
week is 360.5 euros ( 7*(44.00+7.5)). Without breakfast: 308 euros.
Of course, if we look at a 3-4 stars hotel, it will increase quite a bit.


[1] Colegio Mayor Francisco de Sande


Single room 30€ + breackfast

[2] http://www.hotelalfonsoix.com/eng/tarifas.html
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