i send the cost of one of the residence:

Colegio Mayor Francisco de Sande


Single room 30€ + breackfast
Double room 22€+ breackfast

i work for this 70 places is sponsored

In a few days i know if the 140 places to the other residence is 
sponsored for the Regional Goverment, i hope, but i dont know sure now


Stephen Gran escribió:
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 11:50:39PM +0100, Moray Allan said:
>> One substantive point and a couple of minor things:
>>> and accommodation sponsorship to everyone who registers before April
>>> 15th. We are now also offering two additional options, namely
>>> "Professional" and "Corporate". The "Professional" category, USD 250.00,
>> Do we know for sure that 250 USD will be enough to pay for a double room
>> for a week for someone?  I'd expect it might be more expensive than that
>> in Spain.
> That's a good point.  I'd like to have some idea of the cost, so we can
> update pentabarf to present the correct numbers when people start
> checking boxes.  I'd hate to raise the rates after someone volunteers to
> pay their own way.
> A random spot check of a few hotels in the area suggests $250 isn't
> enough - the hotels I've checked appear to be ~40€/night for a single
> room (~65€/night for a double), which would work out to something like
> ~$350 for the week for a single room (~$325/week per person for a double).
> On the other hand, if we are putting up 'Professional' attendees in the
> regular lodgings and just asking them to pay instead of being sponsored,
> it works out, since money going out isn't an issue.
> Does anyone with a real idea of the situation want to comment?  I'd
> prefer to have penta be accurate, even if the mail doesn't say
> everything it could.  It looks like I'll be holding off the CfP until we
> have an answer to this, at least.
> Cheers,
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