
thanks for working on this!

On Montag, 9. Februar 2009, Stephen Gran wrote:
> We hope to obtain enough sponsorship to help some people attend who
> would not be able to pay for their own travel. We intend to allocate
> travel sponsorship money between April and June. 

I'd suggest to add a disclaimer here, that we'll _try_ to reimburst people 
ASAP after DebConf, but it might take longer.

> "Professional" and "Corporate". The "Professional" category, USD 250.00,

Shouldn't we ask for Euros? Our budget will be in Euros too...

> This year submission of a formal written paper for the conference
> proceedings is again optional, though encouraged. 
> DebConf talks will be broadcast live on the internet where possible,
> and videos of the talks will be published on the web along with the
> presentation slides and papers.

Here a note about acceptable licences is missing, as well as the info that the 
videos will be published under the DebConf6 videoteam licence.

> About Debian
> ------------
> The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who
> volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the free operating
> system Debian GNU/Linux.

A link to www.debian.org is missing :) Maybe also another sentence about 16 
years of success delivering a great distro and the recent lenny release wont 
hurt :-)


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