2009/6/1 César Gómez Martín <cesar.go...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Eddy Petrișor <eddy.petri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/5/26 Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org>:
>>> Quoting Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta (a...@inittab.org):
>>>> About regional trains the told me (without much conviction) that the
>>>> usually get online ~15 days from the date of departure except for
>>>> Talgos (which is not this case) that go online ~2 months before.

Are the Trainhotels considered regional? That would explain the
impossibility to book it.

>>> Talgos to go *to* Cáceres are opened for booking (I booked my trip on
>>> Jul 21st) but Talgos for return trips are not yet (assuming you plan
>>> to return on 30th or 31st). As of today the last day it was possible
>>> to book for was July 25th. So that seens to be 2 months, or 60 days,
>>> or so.
>> I managed to book my train ticket for the Cáceres - Madrid trip on the
>> 30th with a Talgo.
>>> I'd suggest people to book Talgos as early as possible as they have a
>>> "web" fare that goes down to 12.30euros and I would bet that there are
>>> not that many seats in that category, if RENFE is using the same yield
>>> management systems than our French SNCF.

>> What's not that great is that I couldn't book the ticket for the
>> Madrid - Cáceres trip on the 22nd.
>> I was aiming for the TRENHOTEL 00332 leaving at 22:25 from Madrid, but
>> after selecting the web fare (15.40 €) and pressing comprar (after
>> entering the captcha) the page had this error:
>>  Error en plaza 1 = Error al obtener precios de plaza (G001-V510)
>> and there was no price listed for the ticket. I got the same error if
>> selecting the Estrella fare.
>> Any idea if this means that there aren't such tickets available
>> anymore, or there aren't yet?
> This error says that there was an error obtaining the price for seat 1...

I saw that almost all error messages (if any) on that site look like
internal errors spilling out of the code instead of being nice handled

> Don't know what it means, I would try again with a different seat :D

Great suggestion :-P, but as you know, there is no option to select
the seat (or I haven't found it).

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