Quoting Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta (a...@inittab.org):

> About regional trains the told me (without much conviction) that the
> usually get online ~15 days from the date of departure except for
> Talgos (which is not this case) that go online ~2 months before.

Talgos to go *to* Cáceres are opened for booking (I booked my trip on
Jul 21st) but Talgos for return trips are not yet (assuming you plan
to return on 30th or 31st). As of today the last day it was possible
to book for was July 25th. So that seens to be 2 months, or 60 days,
or so.

I'd suggest people to book Talgos as early as possible as they have a
"web" fare that goes down to 12.30euros and I would bet that there are
not that many seats in that category, if RENFE is using the same yield
management systems than our French SNCF.

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