2009/5/26 Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org>:
> Quoting Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta (a...@inittab.org):
>> About regional trains the told me (without much conviction) that the
>> usually get online ~15 days from the date of departure except for
>> Talgos (which is not this case) that go online ~2 months before.
> Talgos to go *to* Cáceres are opened for booking (I booked my trip on
> Jul 21st) but Talgos for return trips are not yet (assuming you plan
> to return on 30th or 31st). As of today the last day it was possible
> to book for was July 25th. So that seens to be 2 months, or 60 days,
> or so.

I managed to book my train ticket for the Cáceres - Madrid trip on the
30th with a Talgo.

> I'd suggest people to book Talgos as early as possible as they have a
> "web" fare that goes down to 12.30euros and I would bet that there are
> not that many seats in that category, if RENFE is using the same yield
> management systems than our French SNCF.

I booked mine for 12.40€, which is great.

What's not that great is that I couldn't book the ticket for the
Madrid - Cáceres trip on the 22nd.
I was aiming for the TRENHOTEL 00332 leaving at 22:25 from Madrid, but
after selecting the web fare (15.40 €) and pressing comprar (after
entering the captcha) the page had this error:

 Error en plaza 1 = Error al obtener precios de plaza (G001-V510)

and there was no price listed for the ticket. I got the same error if
selecting the Estrella fare.

Any idea if this means that there aren't such tickets available
anymore, or there aren't yet?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein
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