On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 06:38:59PM +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Sonntag, den 24.05.2009, 18:02 +0200 schrieb Alberto Gonzalez
> Iniesta:
> > > We are hoping that we can make this connection. Ths subway site says
> > > this trip takes 20 minutes. I think that gives us a fighting chance. A
> > > back-up plan would be smart.
> >
> > Neither taxi, nor the subway (Metro) are the right option from Chamartin
> > to Atocha. The way to go is by train (Cercanias), which at that time of
> > day should have a frequency of <10min, and a trip time of <15min.
> > 
> > In renfe.es you have a 'Cercanias' drop menu (IIRC) where you can choose
> > 'Madrid', and then see the timetable between Chamartin and Atocha.
> > 
> > It is doable, but you don't have much margin for errors.
> sounds better than having to wait for 7 hours in madrid (after being on
> the rails for a whole day already). If only the 9:55 train would appear
> in the booking view of renfe.es...
> Is it possible to book the Cercanias ticket together with the Madrid →
> Caceres ticker? If not, where and how can I get the Cercanias ticket?

Cercanias is a service close to what the subway is. I mean, it is used
daily by thousands to move around Madrid (Province). Its price is around
1 EUR for that trip, and IIRC it should be free for those changing long
distance trains between Chamartin and Atocha. I could confirm this
calling Renfe this week.



Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta    | Formación, consultoría y soporte técnico
agi@(inittab.org|debian.org)| en GNU/Linux y software libre
Encrypted mail preferred    | http://inittab.com

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