On 8 June 2012 19:02, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Koppe
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 2:45 PM
> <snip/>
> Oops, documentation error. Now fixed. Thanks very much for testing that.
> The intention is that the Shift combination sends the basic control
> character plus 0x80. See also the preceding section (which I've now
> added a link to from the Special Keys section):
> http://code.google.com/p/mintty/wiki/Keycodes#Ctrl
>> Also, when I press either Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab, instead of
>> getting what the table indicates, I don't get anything at all.
> You've probably got the shortcuts for switching among mintty windows
> enabled on the Keys page of the options.
> -----END Original Message-----
> Appreciate the doc fix and, indeed, your shortcut explanation
> applied to me.
> Regarding, the "@" key in the table referenced by your URL,
> how does one enter Ctrl+Shift+@, when to get "@" you need to
> already be holding down the Shift key.

Hold down both Shift keys. Yes, really.

(For the record, I wouldn't expect anyone to really use that, and I'm
a bit surprised that I bothered to implement it. Remember though that
different keyboard layouts have the relevant characters in different


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