On 7 June 2012 09:40, Lluís Batlle i Rossell wrote:
> Hello,
> thank you first for such a helpful software, for those that use Windows but 
> are
> used to the Linux interface.
> I'd like to request some heavy annoyance I encounter with the new cygwin
> terminal, compared to rxvt. In 'vim', it looks like I'm used to press ESC
> *before* releasing *shift* (if I was inserting some text innvolving shift).
> On xterm, rxvt, windows terminal, if I pressed "shift-esc" in vim, it had the
> same effect as esc. But in the cygwin terminal, in insert mode it inserts some
> weird character.
> Could it be made so shift-esc has the same effect as esc, in cygwin terminal? 
> I
> imagine that the difference is not done on purpose.

It is done on purpose, to allow Shift+Esc to be bound to a different
function if desired. It's documented here:

[1] http://code.google.com/p/mintty/wiki/Keycodes#Special_keys

Shift+ESC sends the Unicode codepoint U+009B, aka the Control Sequence
Introducer (CSI) character.

In vim, you could map it to Esc like this:

map <CSI> <Esc>
map! <CSI> <Esc>


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