-----BEGIN Original Message-----
From: Andy Koppe
On 11 June 2012 13:55, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
> I don't get
> the U+009F result from the "/" key from any combination of Ctrl
> and Shift.

On a US keyboard, Shift+"/" is "?", and Ctrl+"?" is itself a valid
control character combination, producing ^? (i.e. 0x7F).

-----END Original Message-----
I hate to prolong this relatively uninteresting thread, but I
don't see how you addressed my point, which is that the table at
http://code.google.com/p/mintty/wiki/Keycodes#Ctrl indicates 
that one can generate U+009F with the "/", Ctrl, and Shift keys...
| Key | Ctrl | Ctrl+Shift |
|  /  |  ^_  |   U+009F   |
...but this doesn't seem to be the case, at least with a 
standard US keyboard.
--Ken Nellis

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