Helmut Karlowski, 07.06.2012 17:52:43:
Nellis, Kenneth, 07.06.2012 16:56:57:
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Koppe
It is done on purpose, to allow Shift+Esc to be bound to a different
function if desired. It's documented here:
[1] http://code.google.com/p/mintty/wiki/Keycodes#Special_keys
Shift+ESC sends the Unicode codepoint U+009B, aka the Control Sequence
Introducer (CSI) character.
-----END Original Message-----
My experience does not agree with the "Special keys" table at the
page referenced by that URL.
On my german keyboard I receive ^[^[ (2x ESC) for Shift-ESC. Character
Set is CP850 if that matters. As of my understanding CSI is something
like ESC[ (at least on an ANSI-terminal, is this different on xterm?).
Switching to ISO-8859-1 emits 0x9b which seems to be correct.
Helmut Karlowski
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