Mike, thank you for your comments.

> I haven't looked at this but what is a style changer tool ( would it
> be obvious if I looked? Just change style sheets or something).

Yes, it would be obvious if you looked. It simply has a drop down box
that lets you choose the header color, font type or page width (please
look before making assumptions). I could have provided a list of links
with each slight variation or I could have quickly coded this tool to
let the user play with the combinations - I think this makes it easier
and it only took me a few minutes.

> My point here is not to ask random
> questions about tangential topics but this highlights
> an important area of command line tools for graphical
> desgin needs. Could you build all the artwork and generate all the html
> from command line scripts and give these scripts various parameters
> so that variations could beconsistently generated using general rules?

I don't see why not, but then I also don't see the point of that.
There are very few images used in my sample, and those that are used
are only there for aesthetics - they convey nothing important. Even
the title is text driven, unlike the current site.

> One objective beyond making cool pictures may be to see how well you can 
> automate
> and design without a GUI program.

I'm confused here. Design what exactly? My proposed website was coded
entirely using a text editor. No serious web developer uses GUI

> This isn't just academic or banter or whining about saving a few bytes
> when everyone knows the speed of light is increasing each day,
> but lets say you wanted to generate web pages for wireless, unusual
> locales,  or other
> devics that have some fixed relation to your main pages and don't want
> to redesign them etc.

No images were used to convey information. The website can be
translated into other languages very easily while retaining the look
and feel. As with all websites I build, presentation is separate from
content. This means we can simply apply a different style sheet to
change the way the site renders (if we chose to), but that wouldn't be
necessary for this Website. It is such a simple site that it can be
viewed on any device you like as it is - feel free to try it out in
lynx via Cygwin. As an example of the site's versatility, you will
enjoy a convenient "skip to content" link that magically doesn't
appear on the site when viewed in a graphical web browser such as
Firefox. I have no doubt improvements could be made to the text-only
version, and I'd be more than happy to make those.

> Using cygwin to design and generate the site would be a good result in itself 
> :)

As I said, only a text editor has been used to build the site.


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