On 5/8/2010 4:39 AM, Berthold Barth wrote:
> I've used Cygwin on and off for a few years now, and today while I was
> on the site I thought how much a good, recognisable logo and graphic
> design could do for Cygwin exposure.

This is the hippo icon I added to cygicons-0.dll a few months ago (it's
part of the cygutils package):


(converted to .ico):

If you install the run2 package, and then execute this setup script:


You'll get a shortcut using that icon, which
  1) launches mintty if you don't currently have an Xserver running
  2) launches rxvt-unicode if you DO.

I didn't draw the original hippo, but I did create the various icon
size/resolution versions of the image and created the .ico. The original
artwork was released into the public domain by Michal Pecyna
but that link appears to be dead.


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