> Could Christopher and/or Corinna please weigh in on this?  There seem to be
> a lot of ideas and energy behind this project, but I don't think the
> discussion can go much further until we hear from them.
> Is either of you interested in having a redesign of cygwin.com?  What would
> be your criteria for an acceptable redesign?

I agree, it's important to hear from the decision makers on all this,
and not just regarding website design, but also requirements/concerns
relating to ease of implementation, updating and so on - this all
affects the proposal.

Meanwhile, I read back through the mailing list and spotted a comment
by Corinna asking for "a little more green" [1], so I've added a
style-changer tool (for color and font) to my proposal at
http://cygwin.codecamel.com. It's not a permanent feature, just a
dinky tool to compare themes. Feel free to suggest colors/fonts.


[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.cygwin/114495

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