> I've used Cygwin on and off for a few years now, and today while I was
> on the site I thought how much a good, recognisable logo and graphic
> design could do for Cygwin exposure. For one, more users also mean
> more potential contributors, to the project itself and to compatible
> software alike (hopefully swaying some devs towards native linux +
> cygwin instead of native win + wine). In addition, concise design
> helps first time users find answers to their most troubling questions
> faster and with less help, reducing support load.

Could Christopher and/or Corinna please weigh in on this?  There seem to be
a lot of ideas and energy behind this project, but I don't think the
discussion can go much further until we hear from them.

Is either of you interested in having a redesign of cygwin.com?  What would
be your criteria for an acceptable redesign?

Thanks, Andrew.

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