
On 19/03/2010 17:39, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

   529   62187 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x110000, 
supplied_bin 0x0
    99   62286 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY 
set in flags 0x10000
    98   62384 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to 
    95   62479 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::fstat_by_handle: 0xC0000008 = 
NtQueryInformationFile(\??\D:\cygwin\cygdrive, FileBasicInformation)
This is bad as well.  If your directory D:\cygwin\cygdrive really exists,
you shouldn't see such an error (STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE).  Very strange.

The "real" directory underneath had already been removed, though. Or at least I tried doing so, and I didn't get any error messages.

Potential app conflicts:

Logitech Process Monitor service
Detected: HKLM Registry Key, Named process.
This might be the problem, but I have no own experience with the potential
problems arising from using these tools.

Tried removing the process and corresponding registry key - still same behaviour.

Best regards

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