On 19/03/2010 11:22, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar 19 10:35, Jan-Aage Frydenb?-Bruvoll wrote:
> The permissions of the underlying directory are not reflected in
> the fstat API.  We're pretending the cygdrive directory has fixed
> 0555 permissions because it's a virtual directory.  You could
> remove the actual directory and cygdrive would still exist.
>> Fri Mar 19 10:30:03 j...@aeolus:/
>> $ getfacl.exe  /cygdrive
>> # file: /cygdrive
>> # owner: jan
>> # group: Administrators
>> user::rwx
>> group::r-x
>> other:r-x
>> mask:rwx
> Huh?  How did you do that?

  Perhaps Jan has a real physical /cygdrive directory shadowing the virtual
one and there's some inconsistency about when and whether the virtual dir's
perms or the real dir's ACLs get used?  And in that case, perhaps deleting the
physical directory would make duplicity work...


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