
On 19/03/2010 11:22, Dave Korn wrote:
WAG: You aren't using the --exclude-other-filesystems option on your
command-line, by any chance?

Thanks for the suggestion, but no. What I could have done, though, is supply the relevant output from duplicity...

CL: /usr/bin/duplicity incremental -v 8 --include-globbing-filelist includes / 'file:///cygdrive/c/My Dropbox/Backup'

Contents of 'includes':
- **

Using temporary directory /cygdrive/d/Docume~1/jan/.cache/duplicity/a0ecac5d71c334f7141c2806cd273846/duplicity-bGZegg-tempdir
AsyncScheduler: instantiating at concurrency 0
Error accessing possibly locked file /cygdrive
Cleanup of temporary file /cygdrive/d/Docume~1/jan/.cache/duplicity/a0ecac5d71c334f7141c2806cd273846/duplicity-dTYDWQ-tempdir/mktemp-KpH2si-1 failed

Now, what is really odd is that duplicity seems to have no problems writing to the backup -destination- file, however finding those files underneath /cygdrive/c for whatever reason does not work.

Best regards

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