On Mar 19 13:25, Jan-Aage Frydenb?-Bruvoll wrote:
>   126   56084 [main] getfacl 4280 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path 
> /cygdrive, dst D:\cygwin\cygdrive, flags 0x3000A, rc 0

That's what puzzles me a lot.  The cygdrive prefix should never have been
converted to a valid Win32 path.  Not according to your mount 

>   113   56197 [main] getfacl 4280 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6120DF7C
>   111   56308 [main] getfacl 4280 stat_worker: (\??\D:\cygwin\cygdrive, 
> 0x22CCC8, 0x6120DF7C), file_attributes 17
>    91   56399 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::fstat: here
>  4717   61116 [main] getfacl 4280 stat_worker: 0 = (\??\D:\cygwin\cygdrive, 
> 0x22CCC8)
>   120   61236 [main] getfacl 4280 normalize_posix_path: src /cygdrive/
>    85   61321 [main] getfacl 4280 normalize_posix_path: /cygdrive/ = 
> normalize_posix_path (/cygdrive/)
>    84   61405 [main] getfacl 4280 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: 
> conv_to_win32_path (/cygdrive)
>    84   61489 [main] getfacl 4280 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
>    83   61572 [main] getfacl 4280 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path 
> /cygdrive, dst D:\cygwin\cygdrive, flags 0x3000A, rc 0
>    86   61658 [main] getfacl 4280 build_fh_pc: fh 0x6120DF7C

At this point something goes wrong, but unfortunately it's not clear
from the strace output what that is.  The created file handler is one
for disk-based files, rather than a cygdrive handler.

>   529   62187 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: flags 0x110000, 
> supplied_bin 0x0
>    99   62286 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: O_TEXT/O_BINARY 
> set in flags 0x10000
>    98   62384 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::set_flags: filemode set to 
> binary
>    95   62479 [main] getfacl 4280 fhandler_base::fstat_by_handle: 0xC0000008 
> = NtQueryInformationFile(\??\D:\cygwin\cygdrive, FileBasicInformation)

This is bad as well.  If your directory D:\cygwin\cygdrive really exists,
you shouldn't see such an error (STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE).  Very strange.

> c:  hd  NTFS    118950Mb  78% CP CS UN PA FC     Data
> d:  hd  NTFS     71782Mb  82% CP CS UN PA FC     
> e:  cd             N/A    N/A                    
> f:  cd             N/A    N/A                    
> g:  fd  FAT       1914Mb   9% CP    UN           Memory card
> D:\cygwin        /          system  binary,auto
> D:\cygwin\bin    /usr/bin   system  binary,auto
> D:\cygwin\lib    /usr/lib   system  binary,auto
> cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  user    binary,auto

This looks insuspicious.
> Potential app conflicts:
> Logitech Process Monitor service
> Detected: HKLM Registry Key, Named process.

This might be the problem, but I have no own experience with the potential
problems arising from using these tools.


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