Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> And if you try to create 'b\344h' in Cygwin 1.7, you actually get a file
>> called 'b', because the '\344' (0xE4) in ISO-8859-1 turns into an
>> encoding error when interpreted as UTF-8, and the name simply seems to
>> be truncated at that point.
> Yes, that *is* a problem.

Doesn't seems to be exactly that simple: it doesn't stop on the FIRST
non-UTF8 character, but just before the LAST one.
So I guess it's not because it's an encoding error (I doubt the
conversion is made from the end to the start?) but something more complex.

> Personally I have no problem with the current approach.  I understand
> the potential problems, but, as usual, solving it one way results in
> problems in another scenario and vice versa.

FWIW I do like the current approach: for example I can transfer with
rsync and commit and checkout with monotone any filename including
Japanese characters...
(well, except the names of the aforementioned thread, but that's a bug
which can be solved, not something implied in the current approach)

Lapo Luchini -

“C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.” (Dennis M. Ritchie)

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