
2009/9/2 Andy Koppe <andy.ko...@gmail.com>:
> I see two good solutions:
> - Use the default Windows codepage for filenames, console, and
> multibyte functions. This is what happens already if you specifiy a
> locale with a language but no charset, e.g. "en". Maximum 1.5
> compatibility.
> - Use UTF-8 throughout. Full Unicode support out-of-the box.

I want to use UTF-8 throughout.
- a lot of UNIX tools using network (e.g. rsync, scp, ...) treat the
file name as 8bit byte array.
- default locale of modern UNIX based OS is *.UTF-8.
- The file with the filename including the character outside the
codepage (e.g. files in iTunes folder) can be handled.
IWAMURO Motnori <http://vmi.jp/>

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