In my original post I put a link to
the relevant section of the MacKay 
book that shows exactly how to calculate
the probability of superiority 
assuming the game outcome is modelled as 
a biased coin toss:

I was making the point that for this

and for other outcomes of skill-based games
we can do so much more (and as humans we intuitively
DO do so much more) than just look at the event
outcome - and maybe as a community we should do that more
routinely and more quantitatively (e.g.
by analysing the quality of each move / action)

Best wishes,


On 30/03/2016, 11:57, "Computer-go on behalf of djhbrown ." 
< on behalf of> wrote:

>Simon wrote: "I was discussing the results with a colleague outside
>of the Game AI area the other day when he raised
>the question (which applies to nearly all sporting events,
>given the small sample size involved)
>of statistical significance - suggesting that on another week
>the result might have been 4-1 to Lee Sedol."
>call me naive, but perhaps you could ask your colleague to calculate
>the probability one of side winning 4 games out of 5, and then say
>whether that is within 2 standard deviations of the norm.
>his suggestion is complete nonsense, regardless of the small sample
>size.  perhaps you could ask a statistician next time.
>patient: "whenever i open my mouth, i get a shooting pain in my foot"
>doctor: "fire!"
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