This case is of course not pruned by Valkyria, simply because the the pattern here is completely different from what we discussed. :) This sacrifice prevents an eye to be made.


Quoting Christian Nentwich <>:

|- - - - - - -
|. * * o . . .
|* . * o * . *
|o . o o * . .
|o * o . * . .
|o o o * . . .
|. * * * . . .
|. . . . . . .
|. * . . . . .

Black to play and kill :)


On 01/07/2009 17:41, Magnus Persson wrote:
In this case one needs to check that after the two stones are captured the capturing single stone can be recaptured bringing us back to where we started. If it is a "big eye" there is no recapture.


Quoting Brian Sheppard <>:

For black I think I prune this kind of two stone suicide
always no matter what the situation is (exception is ko). These
prunings are probably wrong in some extremely rare cases.

How can you tell the difference between this kind of two-stone
self-atari, and a self-atari of two stones within an opponent's
"big eye", which could be necessary for life&death?

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