> 1  a position -> move collection (if the position is such make that move)
> 2 a position value collection (this position is good, that position is
> bad for the colur who is on the move)
> 3  a professional game collection (let the program just play like the
> pro's)
> 4 a game tree (game with lots of variations)

hi Willemien,

I think there is another important issue in building a opening book, global
or local. and if it is local, with fixed shape or irregular shapes?

it seems that you want to build a global one, do you?

In the 2008 tournament in Beijing, many people had interests in the openning
book of Yogo. its openning book is one with local irregular shapes. this
book is written by its author a professional Go player.

firstly, he build many irregular shapes according to his professional
knowledge, and add one or more trees to each shape. these trees may start
from no stone, or some certain states of the shape, so there may be many
trees at the same time in the openning book.of course, there might be some
collisions for different trees might give different choices. when it comes
to collisions, we choose one according to the priority, or randomly.
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