>If I use persistent storage and do that search again in another game,   I can 
>start exactly where I left off and generate 50,000 more nodes.   It will be 
>the same as if I did 100,000 nodes instead of 50,000 nodes.    Or put another 
>way,  it will be the same as if I spent 20 seconds on this move instead of 10 

Sure, but except for openings you'll never reach the same
position position in another game unless the players are 
deliberately copying their play.

Consider move 20 (for example).  If you saved every "move 20" node you
ever encountered, how often do you think you'd encounter a duplicate
from a different game, such that you can either avoid an evaluation,
or improve your knowledge of that position by studying it 
a bit more.   I contend it is a vanishingly small percentage.


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