Of course the server code is available on sourceforge, so you can set up
your own test site.  

But I think all of that can be simulated with a smarter client.  The
only think missing is the actual connection to the server.   But this is
for debugging the bots mostly.   

- Don

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 23:28 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> On 21-okt-08, at 23:11, Michael Williams wrote:
> > You could have a copy of CGOS running on a different port that  
> > pairs up anything that
> > connects to it against itself and starts a new game as soon as the  
> > first game ends.
> >
> I don't know if it's a good idea to have it run against itself. I'm  
> not even sure how that would work. It may open a whole new can of  
> worms. But if there's another port where there's always a random bot  
> ready to pair up to that would already help.
> Mark
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