Robert Jasiek wrote:
> Jason House wrote:
> > I missed [...] the part about
>> solving how to end the game in an elegant way.
> "elegant" is an aspect of art, and I have not studied it profoundly in
> relation to rules yet because I concentrate on things that can be
> derived from definitions and evaluated by objective derivation from them.
> Some consider it elegant to play on until the board is filled with
> 2-liberty strings - others consider it elegant to stop playing at the
> Japanese opinion of what worthless moves are (but symmetrical yose is
> not considered worthless by them).
> So you see, "elegance" depends on which definition one chooses.
In other words, elegance is subjective - it cannot be defined in some
mathematically rigid way.    It's pretty much like beauty,  it's in the
eye of the beholder.

- Don

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