That's a strong program, and interesting?information.?For clarity, I assume 
that you mean something like Benson's algorithm, while my intended meaning was 
"alive assuming perfect play." Both are relevant, we just need to keep them 
sorted out.

- Dave Hillis

-----Original Message-----
From: John Fan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: computer-go <>
Sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 3:42 pm
Subject: Re: [computer-go] MC-UCT and tactical information

My program StoneGrid calculates unconditional life and death at every move, in 
the UCT Tree and in the random playout. I think it helps on its strength a 
little bit, especially in the end game. In the begining of the game, seems to 
be completely useless. It is slow. But it makes the random playout slightly 
shorter. The random playout is about 80 moves per game. I do not have a 
comparison if the unconditional life and death is disabled, since it is not 
easy to do in the current data structure. 

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