I've not used scheme recently, but I certainly recall it fondly.

When I we were taught it, the language definition was famously shorter
than the index to the definition of the Common LISP.


On 12/12/2007, Peter Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Chez Scheme is a good choice. For a book, you want Dybvig's "The Scheme
> Programming Language"; it's available in dead-tree form or (free) on-line:
> http://www.scheme.com/tspl3/
> Peter Drake
> http://www.lclark.edu/~drake/
> On Dec 12, 2007, at 1:09 AM, Nick Apperson wrote:
> I've been (and still am) a die hard supporter of C++, but since I program in
> C++ for work (we develop gamelike software) I get tired of C++ day in and
> out.  I'd also like to push myself to learn some new things.
> Lisp seems to me like a language I could really come to respect.  I run
> linux (no windows, period) and I am comfortable with command-line if I need
> to be.  Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what the best way would be to learn
> lisp so that I can begin working on a computer go program in it.  I can't
> even figure out what the right dielect would be for computer go.
> Any of you out there using lisp want to maybe point me in the right
> direction for how to learn this language as it applies to writing a go
> program?  Thanks.
> - Nick
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