On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 16:37 +0200, chrilly wrote:
> I am playing competitive tennis-table. There were for years a heated debatte 
> if the ball-diamater should be increased from 38 to 40mm and if the set 
> shall go to 11 instead of to 21. A few years ago, the decision was taken to 
> play with the 40mm ball to make the game slower and in turn to reduce the 
> set to 11.
> Since then Chinese, Japanese, Korean and the rest of the world play with 
> 40mm and stop at 11. After a short transition time, there is no discussion 
> at all about the new rules. Tennis, soccer, chess .... is played all over 
> the world in the same way.
> Why is it not possible to establish uniform rules in Go? Is there not 
> something like a FIDE or a FIFA ?

I'm curious about this myself.   I don't know if there is a world-wide
go organization.   I don't think there is any organization that has the
clout to standardize this in a way that would be respected and globally

- Don

> Chrilly 
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