Thanks for the replies. After studying some of the losses I realized the
problem: I was letting gnugo do the scoring and it was using Japanese
rules! So libego filled in all its territory while gnugo kept passing.

So now I'm starting gnugo like in [1] and getting results much more in
line with my expectations.

>> Libego played at old CGOS with name sth like UCT-107-???k
>> 100k was about 1550k
>> 200k about 1650k

Thanks. Here are the results against gnu-go (which I believe is
basically the same version that was the 2000-anchor in Don's scaling
experiment [2]):

50K: ri_gnugo_3_7_10    7/37    18.9
100K: ri_gnugo_3_7_10   6/38    15.8
200K: ri_gnugo_3_7_10   7/31    22.6

I.e. libego should win the odd game, but lose most of them. It also
suggests that Don's enhancements in the Lite version [3], are worth
quite a bit of strength.


export BLACK="gnugo --mode gtp --level 1 --chinese-rules --capture-all-dead"
export WHITE="/path/to/ego_opt -uctplayouts 100000"
export TWOGTP="/usr/local/src/gogui-0.9.1/bin/twogtp"
time $TWOGTP -black "$BLACK" -white "$WHITE" -games 20 -size 9
-alternate -auto -komi 6.5 -sgffile GE


Don wrote:
The lite version I am testing has one enhacement that makes it not
uniformly random.   There is code to make it prefer captures in a
probabilistic way.   I think I just test N moves, and if one of them
is a capture I play it, otherwise I choose a move randomly which doesn't
fill an eye.   But this enhancement isn't needed to get it up to the
level of gnugo 3.6

...I never allow suicide, I test only for simple ko in
the play-outs.

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