Maybe try this test with libego?

Don Dailey:
I have one interesting test that I do, which I take
with a grain of salt, but I use as a first guess estimate.  I search
from the opening position a few hundred times and average the time
required to find the move "e5."    My assumption is that "e5" is the
best move (the program always settles on it eventually if I let it think
long enough.)

On 4/13/07, Darren Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've been trying the libego program "out of the box", and am up to
>> 200,000 UCT playouts, but still gnugo 3.6 on level 6 is winning 10 out
>> of 10. ...
> If 200,000 play-outs is being beat, something is broken.  Even
> a bad implementation should do better than that.
> Does libego provide a full UCT implementation out of the box?

Thanks for the reply Don.

I've just reviewed the code again and it seems to be the same algorithm
as described at

The way it is implemented differs from the pseudo-code in a few minor
ways, but notably: it (libego) maintains a float win-rate for the node,
which is updated, rather than storing wins and recalculating win-rate
each time. I suppose there could be a rounding error creeping in there.

I've tried changing it to use two ints, for total visits and black wins,
and then calculate the winning rate on the fly. But it still cannot win
a game against gnugo on level 6: it lost 9 out of 9 at 100K playouts,
and has lost 4 out of 4 at 500K playouts. Yet there is no major bug:
when I played it a game at each of 100K and 500K it played reasonable
go, and I could notice that 500K was stronger.

Has anyone else tried studying or using libego's UCT implementation? Is
there another open source implementation of UCT I can compare against?

> One thing that I think most people are doing is related to how you
> select a move once you have finished the search.   Do you pick the
> highest scoring move? ...

No, currently it chooses the most visited node, ignoring score.


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