----- Original Message -----
From: "Anders Kierulf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'computer-go'" <computer-go@computer-go.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 4:37 PM
Subject: RE: [computer-go] SGF-Questions
a) If one setups a position. Is there a property for the
number of white and black captured stones so far.
No. (If you use Chinese scoring, that doesn't matter.)
I am confused. I found recently a serious bug in Suzie. The chess based
hash-Code did not take the captured stones into account.
This led to the loss of a close game in the late endgame (but we use
Japanese Scoring).
b) There is the property AE. The list of empty points.
Is it necessary to setup also the empty points or is
it sufficient to setup only the black and white
stones with AB and AW?
Just use AB and AW. Only use AE when you're actually removing stones.
c) if one setup-ups a position and there is no KO-Point.
Is it necessary to specifiy a non-existing KO-Point
(e.g. as KO[tt] or KO[] ) or has one to setup the KO
only if there is a "real" KO-Point.
Only add the KO property if there's a forbidden ko point. Also note that
is not a standard SGF property, but some programs support it.
Thanks, Chrilly
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