> a) If one setups a position. Is there a property for the
>    number of white and black captured stones so far.

No. (If you use Chinese scoring, that doesn't matter.)

> b) There is the property AE. The list of empty points.
>    Is it necessary to setup also the empty points or is
>    it sufficient to setup only the black and white
>    stones with AB and AW?

Just use AB and AW. Only use AE when you're actually removing stones.

> c) if one setup-ups a position and there is no KO-Point.
>    Is it necessary to specifiy a non-existing KO-Point
>    (e.g. as KO[tt] or KO[] ) or has one to setup the KO
>    only if there is a "real" KO-Point.

Only add the KO property if there's a forbidden ko point. Also note that KO
is not a standard SGF property, but some programs support it.

Anders Kierulf

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