On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 21:54 +0200, Chrilly wrote:
> Up to my knowledge the first Lisp Versions had no number system. The
> number n was represented as the list of numbers from 1 to n (which is
> also the mathematical/axiomatic definition of the natural numbers). 
> But its not very practical. Can anyone provide me with a link how this
> was done. I am speaking some computer languages, but Lisp is not among
> them.
> I want to present the code in an article for the Austrian AI-Journal
> (as an example that mathematical elegance and practically usefull are
> 2 different things).

There are also elegant (and minimal) computer languages that are turing
complete, but nobody want to program with them - they are not practical.

- Don

> Chrilly
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