no englich me french

igo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :  Hello Jacque:

Thanks for the comments.

> my point is that 19x19 is the optimal size for human abilities. 

I don't think so. 
19x19 is merely the size of Go originally.
for human abilities in Go, 19x19, 21x21...99x99 are about the same. 

> ... The entire fuseki theory is board size dependent. 

Not really.

fuseki theory is logic dependent.

When human learns Go, he learns the logic of Go, the essence of Go,
but doesn't care about the boardsize so much. 
(I am human, and you are human too. I think^^)

Sometimes when boardsize is involved in some situation,
then human will adjust it automatically, 
like adjust temperature in winter or summer.

> Top humans playing 21x21 may be weaker than a 19x19 world champion computer.

May be, but it will take time (to proof that) surely.

My point is simple.
for example, [MoGo] can beat a 3d person at 9x9 now.
but the same person(3d) will beat [MoGo] at 13x13 easily at this time. 
Will you agree ?
when [MoGo] can beat the same person at 13x13,
then the same person will beat [MoGo] at 19x19 easily at that time. 
Will you agree ?

The person doesn't improve in Go at all, but only adjusts automatically. 

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