> > So that I can follow this discussion, how would be the "kgs level" of
> > this player (it is the only level I have access to when looking at the
> > results of game)?
> Wouldn't it be 1 dan on KGS?
I don't know because some seem to say that the KGS level is not the "true" 
level? If so, MoGo has already won against players with a "d" on KGS, you can 
look at the archive looking for regular expression "\[.d" at:

Of course, I don't know if it was "real" games in the sense that players were 
playing at their best level. But perhaps some of these games, and it was 13 
minutes games. MoGo also won a game against a "[8d?]" on kgs (the game is 
marked as "unfinished", but I think it is, isn't it?).

Again, it is perhaps "not real games", but perhaps, I can judge that, sorry.

Of course, it is still a low winning rate...

Again, I can't judge the games, so I apologize if what I say is irrelevant :).


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