> So that I can follow this discussion, how would be the "kgs level" of
> this player (it is the only level I have access to when looking at the
> results of game)?

Wouldn't it be 1 dan on KGS?
I don't know because some seem to say that the KGS level is not the "true"
level? If so, MoGo has already won against players with a "d" on KGS, you can
look at the archive looking for regular expression "\[.d" at:

In October I did collect statistics for Valkyria on KGS for 9x9. It consistently
beats strong kyu players with about 30 seconds per move on old hardware. These
data has at least 10 games for each level of strength. Most games are played
against the range 7-11 kyu.

Rank    WinRate
3Dan    0.105
2Dan    0.1
1Dan    0.285
1Kyu    0.5
3Kyu    0.666
4Kyu    0.555
5Kyu    0.531
6Kyu    0.678
7Kyu    0.584
8Kyu    0.571
9Kyu    0.847
10kyu   0.791
11Kyu   0.860
12Kyu   0.857
13Kyu   0.869
14Kyu   0.962
15Kyu   0.941
16Kyu   0.937
17Kyu   1
18Kyu   1
20Kyu   1
22Kyu   1
24Kyu   1

KGS has recently changed the scaling of the rating systems so that players 30
kyu on the old KGS is now about 15 kyu I think. The 1 Dan players is about the
same in the new and old system so it should now be harder to be ranked very
strong or very weak.

Note that to get these data I deleted all games where Valkyria lost on points,
because close to 100% of those games were not scored correctly. I do not know
if it is incompetence or outright cheating, but it happens a lot. Fortunately
Valkyria always resigns when it loses so it easy to filter out those game.

I believe there is a surprise effect. Often strong players lose the first game, because they think they can play sloppy and win easily anyway. But if they play
a single mistake on 9x9 against Valkyria and Mogo you really cannot win the
game. Then in the second game they play carefully and wins.

Anyway as in the game that Sylvain provided, if Mogo survives the opening it is
very hard to beat it in the endgame. Actually in the game against the strong
player Mogo played a favorite opening I noticed gives Valkyria severe problems
on CGOS.

I myself have lost many games against Valkyria (I am European 2 Dan and knows
how my program works...) with longer thinking times up to 10 minutes per move.

So I am sure that Mogo which is much stronger than Valkyria potentially can play
very competitive with extreme thinking times against players around my own

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