Hello all,

I am wondering about Go in 7x7. I know that the game in this size has no real 
interest in itself. However, I think that the level of computer go programs 
is much higher in 7x7 than in 9x9, and it could be interesting to see until 
where we can go in 7x7.

There was a discussion on this list recently about the level of CrazyStone in 
7x7, and also (perhaps not on this list, only on kgs I don't remember) of 
Magnus saying that the level of Valkyria was very good on 7x7. I am wondering 
if we can make a player that beats almost all humans in 7x7?

I have tried to put MoGo on kgs in 7x7, but it looses quite a lot of games. 
Ok, I have put only 5 minutes time, so it plays quite fast, and perhaps could 
be better with more time, but it is clearly far from a really good player.

I have implemented a meta-UCT (that means that instead of playing a random 
game after the tree, you make MoGo playing against itself) to generate an 
opening database. I have made this meta-UCT 100% parallel for a cluster (as 
the evaluation is now so costly, parallelisation is trivial). I can dedicate 
quite a lot of computers to this task as I have access to a cluster.
So I wonder if you think that this meta-UCT can be effective to generate a 
good opening database, and this way manage to have a really good computer Go 
player in 7x7 ? 
Perhaps usual UCT exploits too much for this task, because my experiments show 
that the beginning of the tree is quite narrow. Here are the first moves: D4 
D5 E5 C4 D3 C5. I have no idea if it is very stupid or normal.

Remi was saying that the right komi for 7x7 is 9, but I have made my 
experiments with komi 7.5, and the meta-UCT predicts that black is almost 
always loosing. Is it because the blacks moves are very bad?

To conclude, I think this question of 7x7 is interesting because we can 
perhaps have a very good player. What do you think? If you have good ideas to 
make the meta-UCT generate a good database, I can dedicate a lot of CPU to 
this task, and would interested to see what happen.


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