But then you have to change your code to favor average terrirory over win ratio.

On 10/10/06, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A good way to structure 7x7 matches,  is that you forget komi, and just
play 1 game as white and 1 games as black, adding up the territory in
both games.    Then you don't have to worry about which komi is correct.

- Don

On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 13:02 -0400, House, Jason J. wrote:
> I think Crazy Stone did very well on 7x7 with an opening book.  If you
> go down that road, I recommend that you consider using the attached
> file to populate the database.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:48 AM
> Subject: [computer-go] Computer go in 7x7
> Hello all,
> I am wondering about Go in 7x7. I know that the game in this size has
> no real
> interest in itself. However, I think that the level of computer go
> programs
> is much higher in 7x7 than in 9x9, and it could be interesting to see
> until
> where we can go in 7x7.
> There was a discussion on this list recently about the level of
> CrazyStone in
> 7x7, and also (perhaps not on this list, only on kgs I don't remember)
> of
> Magnus saying that the level of Valkyria was very good on 7x7. I am
> wondering
> if we can make a player that beats almost all humans in 7x7?
> I have tried to put MoGo on kgs in 7x7, but it looses quite a lot of
> games.
> Ok, I have put only 5 minutes time, so it plays quite fast, and perhaps
> could
> be better with more time, but it is clearly far from a really good
> player.
> I have implemented a meta-UCT (that means that instead of playing a
> random
> game after the tree, you make MoGo playing against itself) to generate
> an
> opening database. I have made this meta-UCT 100% parallel for a cluster
> (as
> the evaluation is now so costly, parallelisation is trivial). I can
> dedicate
> quite a lot of computers to this task as I have access to a cluster.
> So I wonder if you think that this meta-UCT can be effective to
> generate a
> good opening database, and this way manage to have a really good
> computer Go
> player in 7x7 ?
> Perhaps usual UCT exploits too much for this task, because my
> experiments show
> that the beginning of the tree is quite narrow. Here are the first
> moves: D4
> D5 E5 C4 D3 C5. I have no idea if it is very stupid or normal.
> Remi was saying that the right komi for 7x7 is 9, but I have made my
> experiments with komi 7.5, and the meta-UCT predicts that black is
> almost
> always loosing. Is it because the blacks moves are very bad?
> To conclude, I think this question of 7x7 is interesting because we can
> perhaps have a very good player. What do you think? If you have good
> ideas to
> make the meta-UCT generate a good database, I can dedicate a lot of CPU
> to
> this task, and would interested to see what happen.
> Sylvain
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