I just dredged up my comment on this subject from 2013 – FYI, on a 1973 39


<<I put brass inserts from Rockler in the wood, so now I screw 10-24 oval heads 
into it, much nicer than worrying about the wood stripping. If I did it again, 
I would probably epoxy embed SS helicoils, as I have used these other places 
with good results. I used 5200, as I notice most people step on these, usually 
when the boat is heeled over.  Any screw would have trouble withstanding this 
90° torture, but the 5200 makes it solid.  And don't you crazy people start on 
me about 5200, it is not a problem.  I did this one year, removed them the next 
with a hot putty knife, like a warm knife through butter.  Re-installed the 
same way.  Some people have put a small countersink into either the deck or 
handrail, and used an O ring, which I think is a great idea if you plan on 
removing them often.  I am fine with sanding and varnishing once a year, takes 
very little time. Can't see a problem with Steve's Butyl either if you want to 
remove them often. Just don’t stand on them sideways.


IIRC, it seems there was a large screw in the middle from the outside, and two 
smaller ones screwed up from the inside.


Bill Coleman

Entrada, Erie, PA



From: General Gao via CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2021 9:26 AM
To: Stus-List
Cc: Rick Brass; General Gao
Subject: Stus-List Re: handrail


Thx everyone for chiming in!


My apologies I had thought I added my boat model in my signature, mine is a 
1974 C&C 35 Mk2.


I would agree with you, it would be extremely unlikely that there was no wood 
screw used; besides, who would put through holes on the cabin if they did not 
intend to use screws to fasten the handrail from inside? I used flashlight, and 
I also used screw driver to poke inside the holes, I couldn't find anything. I 
will try again today.


But if anyone had worked on the same model of boat, I'd appreciate some kind of 






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