I put mine in starboard locker aft, next to the wheel, slightly aft of
it. Basically,
where I could get a large enough section of square seat to fit the hatch
cover in.
There is enough space below it for me to still wiggle in to gain access
to my quadrant.
On 2020-09-29 9:05 a.m., djmor...@djma-ltd.com wrote:
Hi Jeff. Many thanks for taking the time to respond. May I ask where
you mounted the locker?
A friend with a 1984 30 MK1 has his locker hanging between his
starboard cockpit locker and the transom, accessible from above (i.e.
from the cockpit), with a lid that looks very much like an anchor
chain locker lid. It looks like it was manufactured into the hull as
opposed to being a retrofit. It did occur to me to use one of the
hatch covers like you suggested, but my fabrication skills aren’t such
that I’d be able to fashion the sort of drainage gutter like he has
around the top of the propane locker hatch.
An interesting downside to my friend’s setup is that he can’t access
the transom from his starboard locker. He’s not a big guy, but he
can’t crawl back between the propane locker and gas tank. He didn’t
know there was a rudder grease cap on the starboard side until I
mentioned it to him. He had to pack the cap somewhat blindly from the
port side).
Again my thanks for your advice.
*From:* Jeff Nelson <jhnelso...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 29, 2020 7:41 AM
*To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
*Subject:* Stus-List Re: Propane Locker - C&C 30 MK1
Yes, I built one for mine. I made a mold out of plywood, fiberglassed
it. I used a pre-made
deck hatch like this one:
Which was just big enough for a 10 lb propane take and 3 singles to
fit in for the Barbie.
I then just cut the hole and sealed hatch and fabricated box to
locker. I vented the bottom out the
side (which I know is not really right as it will be under water on 1
tack)....but so would aft on all tacks.
I can't remember the dimensions, but if you play around with some
plywood, tank and deck lid you
can figure out the smallest dimension that will work for you. I made
the lip about 2 inches to give lots of
space to support it to the locker bottom. Then some epoxy and screws
to ensure it stayed tight with no leaks.
I think I dressed the inside of the lip with more fiberglass. In
theory propane should never leak out the top
anyway, assuming the vent in the bottom is blocked...but wanted to
make sure there were no leaks other than
the vent that was supposed to drain away propane.
Hope this helps. If I remember I can take some pics when I'm at the
boat next.
Jeff Nelson
Muir Caileag
C&C 30 Mk 1
0549 - 1979
On 2020-09-29 7:53 a.m., djmor...@djma-ltd.com
<mailto:djmor...@djma-ltd.com> wrote:
Any suggestions on how to best and, one hopes economically
retrofit a 1975 C&C 30 MK1 for safe LPG storage? Off-the-shelf
lockers start in the $1k range and would consume more of a cockpit
locker than I’d prefer to surrender. I’ve yet to see an
off-the-transom approach that doesn’t rob from the elegance of the
boat’s design. I know the safety regs, my question is around
physical space.
David J. Morris, MBA
President, D.J. Morris & Associates Ltd.
24 St. Paul’s Place, Kingston, ON K7M 7S3
Tel. 613-531-4429
email: djmor...@djma-ltd.com <mailto:djmor...@djma-ltd.com>
Member: Canadian Freelance Guild
Blogging at: http://davidmorrisjourneys.wordpress.com/
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