My previous boat was an Ericson 2-30, which came with an Atomic 4 engine.
If your neighbor's boat originally had a gas engine, the tank has a filter
at the end of the pickup tube. Try removing the pickup tube and see whether
the filter is clogged. You can clean it with a solvent, or remove it
completely. Your primary and secondary filters are enough.

Alan Bergen
35 Mk III Thirsty
Rose City YC
Portland, OR

On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 7:52 AM David Miles <> wrote:

> Our 2GM20F had similar issues with rpm twice.
> First time was when we bought the boat. Simple bottom clean and all was
> good.
> Then, due to C19, we hadn't been out for 5 months and 2300 was our max
> while heading to the lift. After the crud and barnacles were removed from
> the prop and the bottom, 3600rpm (after fully warmed up) was easy.
> This time we installed a SS elbow and the engine now starts better than
> ever with nothing more than a slight puff of white exhaust. I suggest dirty
> prop. Good luck.
> On September 12, 2020 7:44:47 p.m. Dave S <> wrote:
> Non C&C content but relevant.  My neighbour has an Ericsson 30 with a 16hp
>> universal diesel.
>> His engine will not rev beyond  1800 In reverse and is similarly
>> challenged in forward.  It’s dangerous as he cannot proceed faster than 2kt
>> against wind and waves.  It revs freely beyond 3000rpm in neutral.
>> Am thinking it’s either low fuel flow (so work from pickup tube to pump
>> to troubleshoot) or a partially blocked mixing elbow. (Re and re) Will also
>> assist him in verifying that throttle and shutoff are fully operable at the
>> engine and that the air intake is unrestricted.  He recently replaced his
>> fuel filters.
>> Any other thoughts or expertise that might help?
>> Many thanks!
>> Dave - 33-2 (with a well loved and happy Yanmar)
>> Sent from my iPhone
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