Something stuck on prop or other running gear issue, packing issues, lost
key on coupler/slipping shaft due to set screw loose, impediment of
throttle cable movement..

On Sat, Sep 12, 2020, 7:44 PM Dave S <> wrote:

> Non C&C content but relevant.  My neighbour has an Ericsson 30 with a 16hp
> universal diesel.
> His engine will not rev beyond  1800 In reverse and is similarly
> challenged in forward.  It’s dangerous as he cannot proceed faster than 2kt
> against wind and waves.  It revs freely beyond 3000rpm in neutral.
> Am thinking it’s either low fuel flow (so work from pickup tube to pump to
> troubleshoot) or a partially blocked mixing elbow. (Re and re) Will also
> assist him in verifying that throttle and shutoff are fully operable at the
> engine and that the air intake is unrestricted.  He recently replaced his
> fuel filters.
> Any other thoughts or expertise that might help?
> Many thanks!
> Dave - 33-2 (with a well loved and happy Yanmar)
> Sent from my iPhone
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